Your Artists' Choice Package includes both the engraved signature of the lead artist on your hanko holder (see photo) along with your e-hanko, a copy of the digital design file (JPEG) of your personal hanko for unlimited use as your email signature. (Hanko sold separately.)
The autograph (the Artist's personal seal) is hand-carved into your hanko and will not wear off. The signed Hanko distinguishes it as among our most elite creations. The signature assures the authenticity of your seal and adds uniqueness that sets yours apart. You will treasure your signed hanko for a lifetime.
Note: This package is included at no charge for any Hanko purchase from "Our Finest" products.
Your Special Edition Package also includes an e-hanko electronic copy of your personal seal (sample in photo). The high-resolution image can be used without limit as your "automatic signature" in any email program or other messages that support JPEG. This is the same file type as for digital photographs. You may end up using your e-hanko far more than your physical one. The file will be emailed to you once the design has been completed and approved. Your e-hanko will become your online, go-to identity logo as a lover of all-things Japan.
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